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Configuring Export Template for Several Collections and Images Using C#

Use Case

In addition to the standard export template feature, you can configure a custom data export using a C# script with more flexible data processing. For example, you can export several collections or multi-value attributes from a record.

In this article, we will create a Word export template file with two tables (from two collections) and several images (from a multi-value attribute).


To proceed with the example, create the templates and attributes as shown in the table below:

Record template system name Attribute system name Attribute type Description
  Photo_1_Atr Image

Stores one or several images (Store multiple values box is checked).

  Table_1_Atr Record

Linked to the Table_1 record template and stores multiple values (a collection).

  Table_2_Atr Record

Linked to the Table_2 record template and stores multiple values (a collection).


Faсtor Record

Linked to a record template, which has the Title text attribute.

Parameter Record

Linked to a record template, which has the Title text attribute.

Value Number

Stores a numeric value, e.g., order amount.


Destination Text

Stores a business trip destination.

Order Text

Stores an order number.

Date Date

Stores an order date.

Responsible Account

Stores a user account ID.


  1. Create an export template as shown below using the template.docx attached below the article:

Example template

Note: In the export template, the image field is placed inside a table to accommodate several images.
  1. A button with the Export record  operation will be automatically created.
  2. Open the Export record button properties.
  3. On the Script tab, paste the script attached below the article (script for export.cs).

Script Syntax

  • In lines 17–24, the GetPropertyValues() API function is used to query the database for specific attribute values. This function improves the script performance with large datasets.
    var data_ = Api.TeamNetwork.ObjectService.GetPropertyValues(
        userCommandContext.ObjectIds, // getting an array of one or multiple record IDs
        new[] {
           "Photo_1_Atr", // the system name of an Image attribute
           "Table_1_Atr", // the system name of a Record attribute
           "Table_2_Atr" // the system name of a Record attribute
    Dictionary<string, object> data = data_.FirstOrDefault().Value;
  • Lines 39–40 show how to get the linked template attribute values via the record attributes.

string Faсtor_ = getByRef("Title", getString("Faсtor", Table_Data)); // getting the "Title" attribute value by reference via the "Factor" record attribute
string Parameter_ = getByRef("Title", getString("Parameter", Table_Data)); // getting the "Title" attribute value by reference via the "Parameter" record attribute

  • Lines 56 and 67 show how to get the FullName attribute value via an account attribute.

    var Responsible_ = Api.Base.AccountService.Get(getString("Responsible", Table_Data)); // getting the "Responsible" Account attribute value (account ID)


    Responsible = Responsible_.FullName, // getting the responsible person's full name

  • Lines 173–178 and 185–190 show how to check the image format.

    if (FileName.EndsWith("png") || FileName.EndsWith("PNG") || FileName.EndsWith("jpeg") || FileName.EndsWith("jpg") || FileName.EndsWith("JPG"))
    byte[] content = (Api.TeamNetwork.DocumentService.GetContent((string)result)).Data;

  • Lines 232–258 define the data model:

    public class IMG


        public byte[] Image_data { get; set; }


    public class TBL_1


        public string Factor { get; set; }

        public string Parameter { get; set; }

        public string Value { get; set; }


    public class TBL_2


        public string Destination { get; set; }

        public string Order { get; set; }

        public string Date { get; set; }

        public string Responsible { get; set; }


    public class RESULT


        public List<IMG> Photo_1 { get; set; }

        public List<TBL_1> Table_1 { get; set; }

        public List<TBL_2> Table_2 { get; set; }

    Note: Define a unique class for each table in the export template.

See Also

Configure an Export Template with C# Data Processing

  • Attached Files
  • script for export.cs (9.06 KB) 390
  • template.docx (16.75 KB) 363