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Configuring Conditional Coloring of an Attribute Value

Use Case

In the CMW Platform, the applied theme defines display formatting for all fields. You cannot specify formatting for the individual fields. But you can customize the font, color, or other formatting properties for the Text attribute with the HTML text display format. The HTML text attribute value is displayed with the configured HTML formatting in tables and forms.

In this article, we will conditionally color the task status: when the task is overdue, highlight the status in red; otherwise highlight the status in green.


To proceed with the example, create the attributes as shown in the table below:

Record template system name Attribute system name Attribute type Description
Statuses Name Text

The Name attribute stores a status name.

The Statuses template contains two records:

  • Name = Overdue
  • Name = Complete
Tasks StatusRef Record

The StatusRef attribute is linked to the Statuses template .


  1. In the Tasks template, create the Colored Status Text attribute with the following properties:
    • Display format —  HTML text
    • Calculate using an expression — checked
    • Calculated value — formula:
      "<p><span style='color:#000000'><span style='background-color:#f02626'>{0}</span></span></p>",
      "<p><span style='color:#000000'><span style='background-color:#3ee028'>{0}</span></span></p>"),
  2. Place the Colored Status attribute on a form or table. The attribute value will be colored depending on the status name.

Formula Syntax

Element Description
FORMAT() This function takes a string and array as arguments, replaces the placeholders in the string with the array values, and returns the resulting string. Placeholders are numbered from 0.
IF(Argument1, Argument2, Argument3) This function takes three arguments. If Argument1 resolves to true, it returns Argument2. Otherwise, it returns Argument3.
EQUALS($StatusRef->Name,"Overdue") Argument1 — condition. The EQUALS() function returns true if the $StatusRef->Name value is Overdue.
$StatusRef The $ prefix refers to the StatusRef attribute in the current record context.
->Name The -> operator refers to the Name attribute of the linked Statuses template.
"<p><span style='color:#000000'><span style='background-color:#f02626'>{0}</span></span></p>" Argument2 — red status HTML code. The color:#000000 CSS statement sets the text color to white. The background-color: #f02626 statement sets the background color to red.
"<p><span style='color:#000000'><span style='background-color:#3ee028'>{0}</span></span></p>" Argument3 — green status HTML code. The background-color:#3ee028 statement sets the background color to green.

This placeholder is replaced with the array value returned by the LIST() function.

LIST($StatusRef->Name) This function takes the $StatusRef->Name value and returns it as an array of one element. You have to use the LIST() function because the FORMAT() function only accepts an array of placeholder values and will not accept a single value.
Note: The Status attribute value will not be colored, but the calculated Colored Status attribute.

Tip: You can customize the HTML text using most HTML features: text or background color, font family and size, HTML tags, etc.

See Also

Configuring Color Indicator