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Configuring Custom Mask

Use Case

In the CMW Platform, you can define a regular expression mask for the Text attribute display format. When the user enters the attribute value, the mask restricts it to the specified format. You can use the preconfigured E-mail address mask or specify a Custom mask.

In this article, we will create the Name attribute that can consist maximum of 10 Latin letters and the Phone attribute restricted to the US phone numbers in international format: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX.


  1. Create the Name attribute:
    • Data type — Text
    • Display format Custom mask
    • Mask regular expression: [A-Za-z]{10}
  2. Create the Phone attribute:
    • Data type — Text
    • Display format Custom mask
    • Mask regular expression: \+1 \([0-9]{3}\) \([0-9]{3}\)-\([0-9]{4}\)
      Tip: To validate the attribute value (e.g., to make sure the user does not omit phone number digits), configure the validation expression and message on the Value validation tab.
  3. Place the Name and Phone attributes on a form.
  4. The Name field will allow entering up to 10 upper and lower case Latin letters.
  5. The Phone field will allow entering up to 10 digits. Other phone number elements will be fixed.

Name and Phone fields with custom masks

Name and Phone fields with custom masks

Mask Regular Expression Syntax

Element Description
  • The [ ] square brackets define a character range.
  • The number in the { } curly brackets defines the preceding token repetition number.
  • The [A-Za-z]{10} token defines a string 10 Latin upper and lower case letters.
  • The \ backslash escapes the reserved + character. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a regex token.
  • The +1 are fixed characters. They are automatically entered in the field.
\([0-9]{3}\) \([0-9]{3}\)-\([0-9]{4}\)
  • The \ backslash escapes the reserved ( and ) characters. Otherwise, they are interpreted as a regex group token.
  • The  [0-9]{3} token defines a string of 3 Arabic numbers.
  • The parentheses, hyphen, and space are fixed characters. They are automatically entered in the field.

Tip: You can learn more and experiment with regular expressions at