Reassigning licenses between users
Every company has situations when some employees are leaving the company or changing their positions and have to do another work. If it happens in your team, you may need to reassign their licenses to other users hired as a replacement. There is nothing complicated about it.
There are two different ways how you can achieve it in CMW Tracker:
1. The first method is fine if you only need to reassign a license to a couple of new users in your system. To start with, go to the account Administration area and then to License Manager:
License Manager
Select the license you need to reassign by double clicking on it. The “Licensing” dialogue window will come up. Now go to the ""Assign Users"" section, select users that need to be removed/added, save the changes and you are done:
Assign Users
2. There is also another way to assign licenses in CMW Tracker. This method is especially convenient if you need to reassign licenses in a bulk, For example after moving the software to another server.
To do it, go to the Administration area as described above and then go to “Users”. Here you can get the complete overview of all users and licenses assigned (or not assigned) to them. You can now select as many users as you need and click on the “Assign License” button in the ribbon:
Assign License
The dialogue window will come up where you can choose a license these people will use to access the system. You’ll also see the total number of license keys available and the number of keys you are about to assign.
1) If you select a user whom this license is assigned to already, the license won’t be assigned to him/her twice.
2) If you select a user with a requestor license and choose to assign a full license to him/her, the full licenses will replace the requestor one and vice versa.
3) You can even remove licenses from users in the very same window. Just select the “No License” option for that.
Select license
Now just save the changes and you are done.