Use local authentication if your company does not use Microsoft Active Directory server, or if you want to give access to an external user (a client or a remote employee) who does not belong to your corporate domain. To create a local user: 1. Go to «Administration» > «Users». 2. Click «New User» in the Ribbon. 3. In the «Login name» and «New pa... Read More
Managing Local Users
When a user is created, they can be added into one or more user groups. Membership in a user group does not affect user roles and the set of permissions, unless the user is included into Comindware administrators and Comindware architects groups. Adding into user groups is performed by Comindware administrators. To add one or more users into a user... Read More
Deactivating a user means that a user will not be able to log in, though their personal information and all their activities, files, history, and other information will be kept in the system. At any moment you can reverse this change and reactivate the user account. To deactivate a local user: 1. Go to «Administration» > «Users». 2. Double-click... Read More
Deleting a local user will delete the user account information. User information in tasks and items related to the deleted user will be shown as «Name Surname (Deleted)». However, the administrator will be able to create a new user with the same login name. To delete a local user: 1. Go to «Administration» > «Users». 2. Select the user you want ... Read More