How to Create an Application
You can create as many applications as you wish for each workspace, depending on your needs and the data you work with.
How to create an application:
1. Open a workspace, in the left pane click «New Application».
2. Choose the application type.
3. Specify the app name (for example, «Help Desk Tickets» for a Workflow app, «Client Base» for a documents library, «HR Tasks» for Tasks app).
4. In the «Description» field, provide a short summary what your application does.
5. Click «Save».
After clicking «Save» you will be redirected to the application configuration page where you configure all application settings:
- Fields: or what information an item will retain (About Template Fields);
- Form: or what your items will look like (About a Web Form);
- Workflow: (for a workflow app) how your workflow tasks will be processed (About a Workflow);
- Security: grant permissions to your colleagues to work with the app, or remove these permissions (Configuring Application Security Settings);
- E-mail notifications: send e-mails to particular people when particular events occur with tasks or documents inside an application (Setting up E-mail Notifications);
- Export to Word: configure the look of tasks or docs when they are exported to a Microsoft Word doc file (Configuring an Export Template).