Navigation Pane
The Navigation pane appears on the left side of the screen. The Navigation pane provides quick access to your default lists and dashboards, including lists and dashboards that you have previously created, granted access to, or added to Favorites. All workspaces you are entitled to view or manage are also displayed in the Navigation pane.
Operations in the Navigation pane:
- Organize the pane's lists — rearrange your Favorites or Workspaces using a drag-and-drop operation;
- View list groups — click list groups to view lists available in the group. You can mark any list as Favorite by going to «List» tab above the Ribbon and then clicking «Add to Favorites»;
- Resize the pane's borders — point the cursor to the pane's border and drag the pointer as it becomes a double-headed arrow;
- View workspace contents — view lists, dashboards, task groups and item groups that belong to a particular workspace. You can also mark any list or dashboard as Favorite.
Navigation pane