Co-term Alignment of Comindware Subscriptions
Very often management of active product and service subscriptions becomes a complex and tedious task. This problem gets even worse when you need to manage different subscription periods and renewals for a single product just because you purchased them at different times.
To help mitigate this problem Comindware is currently utilizing the ""subscription co-term"" approach which assumes that all subscriptions for a single Comindware product you own must end at the same time. In other words, we combine all the product licenses you purchase into a single subscription. To achieve that, additional co-term alignment is made for all the new orders you place. Thus, when buying additional licenses, you will be charged only for the time remaining until the end of your existing licenses. When the current subscription period ends, you will need to extend it for all of your licenses at once.
The image below demonstrates how co-term alignment is calculated for existing subscriptions when you place a new order. Items below the timeline are parts of the new order's shopping cart:
Co-term allignment
If you need further help with understanding co-term subscriptions, or if you want to place a new order and buy Comindware products, feel free to contact our sales team.